our ethos
Our aim is to deliver world-class BPA training & education that is contemporary and gives people the knowledge they need to understand the contribution that BPA can offer to criminal investigations.
We design proficiency tests and collaborative exercises that are based on standards set by the international scientific community, are realistic and reflect the casework position as closely as possible.
We are committed to widening participation, driven by knowledge transfer and thrive through collaboration. If you want to know more about BPA, you have come to the right place!

Lead BPA Scientist / Trainer
I have been working as a forensic scientist for more than 25 years and over that time have collaborated with a wide range of practitioners across the criminal justice system. I now work independently as a forensic science consultant.
This is my day job.
My specialism and strength is in Blood Pattern Analysis (BPA). I have been fortunate to deliver training all over the world for professionals and enthusiasts alike. I completed my initial BPA training with Miami Dade Police, Florida and set up Spattered Ltd in 2020.
This is my dream job.
I am pro-STEM and pro-collaboration and undertake activities that contribute to education and social justice. I also conduct pro-bono work including in my capacity as a member of the Advisory Panel of Inside Justice.
This is my passion.
Honorary Positions
Academy of Forensic & Medical Sciences
Bournemouth University
Kings College London
UCL: Department of Crime Science
Professional Memberships
International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts
Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences
In order to deliver innovative and engaging training, education and proficiency services we work with some of the leading educators and BPA specialists in the world. Here are just a few of our friends:

support team
Bracken is a border collie. She largely acts in a supporting capacity, but is developing an understanding of blood droplet dynamics through her study of tennis balls in flight.
She is in charge of the BPA Dog BLOG.