We are pleased to announce the launch of our BPA Community Workshop.

This includes dedicated BPA spaces for SPATTER CHATTER, where you can contribute to discussions around BPA and connect with other BPA practitioners and students who are part of the Spatter/ED community.

There is also a BPA WORKSHOP space where we will share images of BPA (ideally with a scale!) so that we can test our skills.
The RULES are simple:

You can access or join the BPA Community here:
In the meantime, here's one of the images currently available in our BPA Workshop space. It shows a bloodstained training shoe which was produced during one of our recent BPA training courses.

It would be great to hear your observations and your thoughts on "what the wearer did" ... you can submit your answer here: https://spattered.thinkific.com/communities/Q29tbXVuaXR5LTIwNDgw/post/UG9zdC0zOTQxNjEx/
We really hope that you feel you can contribute to the BPA Community, so that we can all learn from each other and share BPA news :)
The Team@Spatter/ED